Mental Health & Fitness Webinars
Strengthening Your Relationship During COVID-19: A Guide For Couples
This is a moderated discussed that highlights the current and future challenges couples may face, presents tools that can be used to cope with stress and resolve conflict, and offers strategies to help couples enhance and strengthen their relationships.
Managing the Stress Of COVID-19: A Guide For Parents and Their Young Children
This presentation addresses how stress and anxiety impacts parents and young children, discusses tips for parents to better care for themselves, and offers parenting strategies to help young children cope with the sudden new changes in their lives.
Managing the Stress Of COVID-19: A Guide For Teens And Parents
This presentation will highlight the struggle of both parents and teens during the pandemic, suggest tips for communicating better, and offer guidance on how both parents and teens can better cope and support each other.
Finding Hope In Uncertainty: Coping With the Stress of COVID-19 (Urdu)
Join this fireside chat discussion to understand distress, learn coping strategies, how to talk to children, and strengthen as a community. This discussion is in Urdu.
Finding Hope In Uncertainty: Coping with the Stress of COVID-19 (English)
Join this fireside chat discussion to understand distress, learn coping strategies, how to talk to children, and strengthen as a community. This discussion is in English.