
Primary Care

What is primary care?

Primary care is provided by a doctor or a nurse practitioner in a doctor’s office and usually includes preventative care. The goal is to prevent chronic health problems so you can enjoy a healthy life.

What type of services will the primary care doctor’s office give me?

They will check your blood pressure, screen you for diabetes and cancers, screen you for heart conditions and provide any necessary vaccinations. For children, they also monitor their growth, vision, hearing, and counsel on safety and healthier lifestyle.


  • check blood pressure,
  • screen for diabetes,
  • screen for cancers,
  • screen for heart conditions, 
  • screen for depression and anxiety,
  • provide any necessary vaccinations,
  • and more.


  • monitor growth,
  • monitor vision,
  • monitor hearing,
  • counsel on safety and healthier lifestyle,
  • provide any necessary vaccinations,
  • and more.
Muslim woman and child with muslim MD

Why is prevention important?

It is important to catch chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer early so they can be managed properly. Often, if these chronic conditions are not managed well, they can go on to cause more health issues such as strokes or heart attacks.

In order to be checked for everything, you will need to have an annual exam or a full checkup- which includes a physical exam, where the doctor listens to your heart and lungs. Your doctor will not be able to do a full check up with blood work only. Everyone should have a full checkup at least once a year, even if you do not have any chronic health problems.

Where can I find a doctor?

You can call your local health board to obtain more information.